FBM Foundation supports the construction of new homes for 170 families

FBM® Foundation is building a new future for 170 families in Barangay Old Capitol Site, Quezon City, by supporting the construction of 90 new houses with a donation of materials. This meaningful project counted on the valuable involvement of the Barangay Chairman, Rodel Cabigas, and is a social response to the devastating fire that occurred in May and destroyed the houses of several families living in this barangay.

The fire in Barangay Old Capitol Site reached the third alarm, provoking significant damage to the homes of numerous families. After the incident, one of the residents tried to accelerate the reconstruction process by reaching out FBM® Foundation with a help request. FBM® Foundation could not ignore the devastating effects of this situation and decided to act and support the well-being of the 170 families affected, with a contribution to the local community that will last through time.

The construction of 90 new houses in Barangay Old Capitol Site counted with 5.000 sacks of sintay sand, 5.000 sacks of gravel, and 20.000 hollow blocks provided by FBM® Foundation. These materials were crucial for the success of the construction project and will help create safe and comfortable homes for 170 families.

The groundbreaking ceremony of the construction happened last Wednesday (June 28th) at the exact place where the fire started. The first step of this transformative journey involved the participation of Rodel Cabigas, Barangay Chairman, Pepe Costa, FBM® Foundation representative, and a crew of 20 dedicated FBM® Foundation volunteers. The President of Tau Gamma Philcoa Chapter, Arvinjay Tobias, and his team were also fundamental in the kick-off making possible the delivery of the construction materials.


Vitor Francisco, Director at FBM® Foundation, enhances the initiative’s relevance. “This gesture is among the most important actions executed in FBM® Foundation’s history. With this donation of materials, we are providing essential resources to make a positive lifetime impact on the lives of 170 families from the Barangay Old Capitol Site”, refers the FBM® Foundation’s representative.

Through this initiative, FBM® Foundation provides a fresh start for a significant number of families and creates more conditions to ensure a brighter future for the people in this barangay. By joining forces and combining resources with other active organizations, FBM® Foundation goes beyond house construction, instilling hope and presenting opportunities for a happier future in this community.

FBM® Foundation keeps proving that even the smallest act of kindness can have a significant impact on people's lives. As the foundation continues to serve communities in need, its legacy of kindness and generosity can inspire others to follow in their footsteps and make a difference in the world.


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